Talks and presentations

Conference Proceedings and Oral Presentations

  1. Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Markow Z, Forgarty M, Fehner W, Peelle JE, Hershey T, Culver JP. (2024). Developing Methods for Precision High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Seoul, South Korea (Accepted as a talk and poster).
  2. Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Markow Z, Fogarty M, Fehner W, Peelle JE, Hershey T, Culver, JP. (2023). Precision Functional Mapping of Cortical Activity Using High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (HD-DOT). Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences (BRAIN), Montŕeal, Canada.
  3. Bajracharya A, Sherafati A, Culver JP, Peelle JE. (2022). Mapping the neural bases of listening effort using high-density diffuse optical tomography. Proc. SPIE PC11946, Neural Imaging and Sensing, San Francisco, USA.
  4. Bajracharya A, Sherafati A, Culver JP, Peelle JE. (2021). Mapping the neural basis of spoken language processing using high-density diffuse optical tomography. Imaging Science Pathway Retreat, Washington University, St.Louis, MO, USA.


”+” Represents mentee


  1. Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Markow Z, Forgarty M, Fehner W, Peelle JE, Hershey T, Culver JP. Developing Methods for Precision High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, South Korea (Accepted as a talk and poster).
  2. Fehner W, Markow Z, Fogarty M, Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Huth AG, Culver JP. Towards semantic visual decoding of naturalistic movies with High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, South Korea.


  1. Peelle JE, Sherafati A, Milarachi E, Jones MS, Bajracharya A, Eggebrecht AT, Hershey T, Culver JP. Identifying responses to auditory and audiovisual speech during movie viewing using high-density diffuse optical tomography. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., USA.
  2. Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Markow Z, Fogarty M, Fehner W, Peelle JE, Hershey T, Culver JP. Precision functional mapping of cortical activity using High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (HD-DOT). Neuroscience Retreat, Washington University in St.Louis, USA.
  3. Peelle JE, Milarachi EN, Sherafati A, Jones MS, Dwyer N, Bajracharya A, Firszt JB, Culver JP. Identifying the neural responses to auditory and audiovisual speech during movie watching using optical neuroimaging. Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, USA.
  4. Gu Y+, Bajracharya A, Culver JP, Hershey T. Exploring strategies for obtaining reliable resting state functional connectivity HD-DOT data within individuals. Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Symposium, St.Louis, USA.
  5. Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Markow Z, Fogarty M, Fehner W, Peelle JE, Hershey T, Culver JP. Precision functional mapping of cortical activity using High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography. Optica-Biophotonics Congress, Vancouver, Canada.
  6. Bajracharya A, Wilhelm D, Markow Z, Fogarty M, Fehner W, Peelle JE, Hershey T, Culver JP. Precision High-Density Diffuse Optical Tomography (pHD-DOT) for single-subject functional cortical mapping. Imaging Science Pathway Retreat, Washington University, St.Louis, USA.


  1. Bajracharya A, Sherafati A, Culver JP, Peelle JE. Mapping naturalistic listening using high-density diffuse optical tomography. Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Boston, USA.


  1. Bajracharya A, Sherafati A, Culver JP, Peelle JE. Measuring hierarchical cortical responses to narrative speech using high-density diffuse optical tomography. Society for Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Virtual.
  2. Sherafati A, Dwyer N, Bajracharya A, Eggebrecht AT, Firszt JB, Culver JP, Peelle JE. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex supports spoken word recognition in listeners with cochlear implants: Evidence from high-density diffuse optical tomography. Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Virtual.


  1. Peelle JE, Jones M, Zhu Z, Luor A, Bajracharya A. Comparing approaches for motion mitigation in task-based fMRI. OHBM Equinox, Virtual.


  1. Bajracharya A, Cusack R, Peelle JE. Using dimensionality reduction to study individual differences in brain activity during rich stimulation. Brainmodes, Pokhara, Nepal.
  2. Jeanpierre L+, Reid T+, Bajracharya A, Peelle JE . Quantifying lateralization of speech processing using automated meta-analysis. Ogura Day, Washington University, St.Louis, USA.


  1. Bajracharya A, Rogers CS, Jones MS, McConkey SM, Peelle JE. Evaluating the reliability of fMRI for single subject language mapping. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA.
  2. Reid T+, Bajracharya A, Peelle JE. Meta-analysis of neuroimaging literature to understand speech processing. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA.


  1. Bajracharya A, Michalopoulos K, Ketting-Olivier A, Spinelli P, Pasternak T. Common rules guide comparisons of location and direction in the prefrontal cortex during visual memory tasks. Summer Scholars Program. University of Rochester, Rochester, USA.
  2. Bajracharya A, Shrestha S, Tabassum, T, Rhoades, BK. Electroretinogram in the parasitoid wasp, Nasonia vitripennis. Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, USA.


  1. Rowan JD, McCarty MK, Bajracharya A, Kendricks D, Boettger-Tong H. Single and double alternation in the adult female C57BL/6 mouse: Non-knockout vs estrogen receptor knockout. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., USA.
  2. Bajracharya A, Hernandez CM, Naughton SX, Poddar I, Terry AV. Organophosphates modify key proteins involved in axonal transport and neuronal plasticity. Student Training and Research Program. Medical College of Georgia (Augusta University), Augusta, USA.
  3. McCarty M, Bajracharya A, Su T, Boettger-Tong H, Rowan JD. The Effects of Sex Differences on Acquisition of a Perfect Runs Serial Pattern in C57BL/6 Mice. Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, USA.
  4. Enam T, Bajracharya A, Rowan JD. Incorporation of Inconsistent vs. Consistent Information in a Serial Pattern Transfer Task with Humans and Rats. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Nashville, TN, USA.
  5. Bajracharya A, Rowan JD. A Simple lab exercise to investigate the effect of Synesthesia. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Nashville, TN, USA.

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